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Tips for Taking Summer Photos You Will Cherish

Posted on August 08, 2016 by iceprints


Summer is a time of fun, sun, and making memories for the entire family. It’s also one of the most opportune times to get some summer photos that you will cherish and want to put on an Iceprint to preserve the memories forever. However, many photographers don’t realize that shots in the summer are a little different than shots in the winter. With that being said, read on below for a few tips for taking summer photos that you and your family will cherish for years to come.

Light Isn’t Always a No-No

Many people will tell you that using your on-camera flash is a strict no in the photography world. In some circumstances that could be true, but not outside during the summer months. Outside in the summer months can be blindingly bright. If you are having trouble with glare on your subjects when put against a strongly lighted backdrop, then turning on the on-camera flash can help to tone it down and produce amazing pictures.

Watch Your Timing

Timing is everything during vacation and summer shots. The peak hours for taking photographs is just after the sun rises in the mornings and just before it sets in the evenings. Not only are these times of day gorgeous to behold, but they make for some glistening shots. Don’t forget that blue hour is also an excellent time to get some great shots as well, especially of landscape scenes.

Be a Part of the Show

It’s your vacation, so don’t you want to show that you are a part of it? As a photographer, I have often found myself on the other side of the camera and then found that I wasn’t in vacation shots at all! While I love taking pictures, it’s important if you want images you can cherish to set the camera and be in the shots with your loved ones. That’s the only way that perfect vacation memories are made!

Don’t Forget the Editing

While you have gotten some awesome shots, when you get home, you can’t forget to do some editing before you send them off to Ice Prints to be immortalized. Everything from applying filters to boosting contrast and from evening out a person’s skin tone to film emulation presets are available in today’s modern world, so use them to your advantage. Raw shots are great, but they can all use a little help now and again.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

While you want awesome shots of your friends and family this summer, you can’t forget to have fun while you’re doing it. Don’t spend all of your time behind the camera, get out there and enjoy your family, your summer, and your vacation.

These are just a few tips for getting amazing vacation shots this summer season. Be sure to send a few of them to Ice Prints and have your memories immortalized on slates and glass for the whole world to see.

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