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Tip for Capturing Those Back to School Memories

Posted on August 01, 2016 by iceprints


Summer is slowly winding down and before long school will be back in session. For most families, the days are filled with buying school supplies, dusting off lunch boxes, and checking class schedules. What many parents fail to realize is that this is the perfect time to get some photos that would work perfectly on ice slates and make a ton of memories as well. With that being said, read on below for some tips for capturing those back to school memories on film this back to school season.

Shopping for Back to School Supplies

In most cases, you are going to be heading out to the store to buy everything from crayons to headphones. Why not document these events as it’s a huge part of the back to school transition? Remember, one year, you will be reading your son’s school list out to him and then before you know it, he will be reading it himself. Don’t lose these memories, catch them on film so that you can look back at them throughout the years.

Choosing that First Back to School Outfit

Everyone who has ever attended school knows how important that first day back to school outfit is to a child. It’s the perfect time to impress friends and make memories as well. As a parent, you will want to document that outfit as well. Take your camera with you and before long you will have 12 years of photos documenting how your child’s taste in clothing has changed over the years.

That All Important Morning Routine

For most families, the hardest part of going back to school is getting into a morning routine. The days of lazing away the mornings are gone, and reality is setting in. From the sleepy kids filing into the kitchen to the lunch boxes lining the counter, these are mornings worth documenting and even sticking on ices slates to give your children as they grow older.

In the Classroom

Okay, as they get older, you might not be able to get by with taking photos on their first day in the classroom, but you should while you can. Your child will love looking back through the years at the classrooms that they spent the fall and winter months in. Everything from meeting their teacher for the first time to finding their desk is a prime moment to snap a photograph for the ages.

Seeing their Friends After the Summer

Make sure that you take lots of shots of your kids seeing their friends for the first time after the long summer. You can be sure that your children will love looking back through the years and seeing the friends they had and may still have.

All of these are great tips for capturing those back to school memories with your children every year. Take your camera everywhere you go on these back to school trips, and you will be surprised at the shots you capture and the memories you make.

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